Noelle Monét is a Queer, Jewish, Black-biracial registered nurse and author living in the South. In the summers she co-owns a beachside ice cream store with her partner. In the off-season, she spends her time with her three children playing in the dirt and hunting down the perfect diner grilled cheese. When she’s not writing, she’s probably reading, abandoning a new hobby, or sitting on her porch watching the lightning bugs dance.
Born in New Jersey, but raised in North Carolina, Noelle Monét spent her childhood staying out past the streetlights and getting in trouble for it. Never one to shy away from the macabre, Noelle dreamt of becoming a doctor in a level I trauma ER. Instead, she wrote angsty slam poetry on the floor of her closet and became a nurse, an ice cream shop owner, a hobby enthusiast, and an author.
Living on the coast with her partner, three kids, and a menagerie of animals both wild and domesticated, Noelle writes SFF and Horror novels that she describes as “emotion-forward,” always featuring a Black main character, and always tackling social issues with a healthy dose of humor and a romance worth pining for.
When she’s not writing, she can be found covered in the residue left behind by sticky toddler fingers, buried beneath her ever-growing physical TBR pile, or standing at the edge of the sea, overwhelmed by the vastness of the world.
Noelle’s debut novel BOUND BY FURY comes out Summer 2026 with McElderry Books/Simon and Schuster!