In my five years of publishing, I have successfully queried my book twice, garnering nearly 40 full and partial requests and a total of five agent offers. I have beta-read over 30 manuscripts, many of which have gone on to receive offers of representation and publication. I have also mentored writers during pitch events and have donated query and full manuscript critiques for various charities. In addition to my personal success and volunteer work, I have worked as a second reader for an agent assessing queries, sample pages, and full manuscripts for marketability and editorial planning.
Alongside my practical experience, I am a lifelong voracious reader, reading widely across genres and age categories, with a passion for good storytelling, diversity and representation in publishing, with a particular love for stories for children and teens.
I would be honored to work with you to polish your pitches, query, sample pages, partial or full manuscript, or all of the above!
At this time, I would be particularly excited to work on books by BIPOC and other marginalized authors, books featuring vampires, werewolves, southern or Appalachian legend/folklore, dystopian books, and all things sapphic and horror.
I am the most comfortable working with Contemporary Fiction, Horror, Thriller, Romance, low/Contemporary Fantasy, and grounded Sci-fi from MG to Adult.
I am not the best fit for Religious fiction, hard Sci-Fi, Epic Fantasy, Historical novels, non-fiction, screenplays, academic works, graphic novels or picture books.
I will NOT work with any works written or assisted with AI, books centering the police, or books featuring graphic depictions of harm to children or animals.
I take all payment through paypal and require payment upfront for all services less than 500$ and 50% upfront and 50% prior to delivery for any service greater than 500$.
*The FULL PACKAGE DISCOUNT must be paid in full upfront.
**Please include a pitch and short bio with your inquiry, I reserve the right to deny editorial services for any projects I believe I am not the best fit for.
use my contact form to book now
use my contact form to book now 〰️
Query letter OR Synopsis: 15$
Query letter OR Synopsis (2 passes): 25$
First chapter*: 25$
First chapter* (2 passes): 45$
Query letter + Synopsis: 30$
Query letter + Synopsis (2 passes): 45$
Query letter + Synopsis + First Chapter: 50$
Query letter + Synopsis + First Chapter (2 passes): 75$
*For A la carte query package services, ask me for a quote!
Okay, so you have a completed, edited, ready-to-go manuscript… now what?
Your query letter is your chance to convince literary agents to represent you and I know firsthand how intimidating and daunting that can be. An essential step to delivering an engaging, stand-out query letter to agents is getting eyes on your blurb from someone who HASN’T read your book—this is the only way to ensure that when an agent looks at it, they’ll not only have a clear understanding of your character (and their wants, needs, and stakes) but they’ll also be left desperate to dive into your sample pages ready to request more.
I offer a variety of query package editing services, all of which include a line-by-line analysis of your work with in-line comments as well as an edit letter detailing what steps you can take to make your query package as tight and compelling as possible.
For first chapters, I will assess your opening pages for voice, tension, pacing/flow, readability, and character.
For an extra fee, I will review the changes you’ve made based on my feedback and note any additional improvements you may need.
*15 pages (double spaced) MAX for first chapter critiques, and first chapters included in a query package critique
3 pitches, 280 characters or less per pitch: 30$
During my time in the querying trenches I amassed around 40 unique likes from publishing professionals, often with repeat likes over multiple pitch contests totalling nearly 90 likes from industry professionals. Anecdotally, my pitches were liked by 3 out of 5 of my offering agents.
I will assess your pitches for hook, stakes, and readability to ensure that they stand out from the crowd. I will also give you tips and tricks that helped me create a successful pitching strategy.
*Please note that MANY factors contribute to success during pitching contests and I cannot guarantee pitch likes. But remember that these pitches can often be included in Query Manager queries and mentorship applications as well.
hand curated query experience
Personalized query list of up to* 30 agents with custom querying spreadsheet set: 200$
Coming up with query lists is something I greatly enjoy, though I know not every author feels this way. If you’re feeling daunted by the idea of researching and coming up with a list of agents to query for your project, allow me to take that burden off your hands. We’ll collaborate and discuss your project, I’ll read your query and synopsis, we’ll discuss your comps and what you’re looking for in an agent, and together we’ll come up with a strategy. Do you want to query in rounds? Full-send the whole list?
I’ll create two custom querying spreadsheets for you. A list of agents to query and in what order/rounds alongside all the pertinent information about them, and a spreadsheet for you to use to keep track of your responses.
As someone who has been in the querying trenches twice, been agented three times, amassed over 40 full requests and 5 agent offers, I am uniquely qualified to help you navigate the querying trenches and come up with a plan for success.
*Amount of agents on the list will depend on genre and age category of project. Amount will be discussed and agreed upon prior to finalizing service. Due to the unpredictability of agent schedules, there is no guarantee that every agent will be open to queries at the time of completion of service, however their status will be specified on the spreadsheet.
*If you purchase a full package which includes: A query and synopsis critique, full manuscript critique, a 2nd-look critique, and at least one of my face-to-face consultation services, I will throw in the hand-curated query experience for free!
face to face
Email not enough? Need someone to help you brainstorm your revision ideas? Have questions about querying or publishing in general? I also offer virtual face-to-face video consultations! Book a 30 or 60 minute AMA or brainstorming session and add them onto any combination of services.
30 minute AMA or brainstorming session: 100$
60 minute AMA or brainstorming session: 250$
Sensitivity read
Starting at 0.009 per word
I highly encourage any person writing outside of their lived experience to get sensitivity and authenticity readers to evaluate their work for any problematic or inauthentic content that may pertain to those areas.
As a fat, Queer/Bisexual, Black, Biracial, Jewish author I am uniquely qualified to assess your work for these identities in addition to the following disabilities: ADHD, depression, and anxiety.
During a sensitivity read, I will read your completed manuscript and provide you with an edit letter alongside in-line comments focusing on my overall thoughts, highlighting any potentially offensive content or problem areas, and providing suggestions for revision.
*A sensitivity read is NOT a developmental edit, therefore the edit letter will not include feedback outside of what is pertinent to the identities I am specifically reading for.
Partial Manuscript Critique
50 Pages: 200$
100 Pages: 400$
150 Pages: 500$
A partial manuscript critique will include everything mentioned under the full manuscript critique.
Add on a 30-minute post-edit letter AMA or brainstorming session for an extra fee.
2nd look critique
Starting at 0.008 per word
Getting feedback is one thing, but implementing it is another. With a 2nd look critique, I will reread your story, assessing it for implementation of my feedback alongside any additional feedback you might have received, with a focus on comparing the two drafts and providing you with a brand new editor letter breaking down what you’ve nailed, what still needs improvement, and any additional issues that might have formed in the process.
Full Manuscript Critique
Starting at 0.010 per word
Think of the full manuscript critique as a developmental and line edit wrapped up in one.
I will assess your completed manuscript for pacing, plot, world building, character development, and setting, making sure to take note of readability and flow. I will also assess the point of view(s), overall structure, and voice.
Every story is unique, which is why I will tailor this experience to you. With my author questionnaire, I will help you get to the heart of the story you want to tell, and with that, we will work together to come up with an actionable plan for how to get you there.
Storytelling is personal, vulnerable and sensitive which is why I give feedback utilizing the sandwich method. There is something to love in every story no matter how raw, and I am always sure to point out these positives alongside critical feedback.
This ain’t your first editing rodeo? Have weaknesses you can’t seem to shake? Include those in the questionnaire and I will create a dedicated area of feedback specifically addressing these concerns.
**Want to sit down with me and discuss your feedback and get help brainstorming solutions? Add on a 30 minute-1 hour post-edit letter video consultation for an extra fee.
Not quite sure what to do with your feedback? For an additional 150$ I will create a unique, custom-made reverse outline for your book, breaking down your edit letter into manageable, actionable chunks. The style of this outline (spreadsheet, table, guide, etc. will be decided on a case-by-case basis depending on you/your book’s needs.)
*If I catch typos or formatting issues, I will include those changes as part of the line-editing, however, I do not offer copy editing services at this time. If you are planning to self-publish, I would encourage you to find a copy editor to work with as your final step of revisions.
THe full package (discount)
Want the whole shebang? Purchase The Full Package!
To take advantage of The Full Package discount, purchase:
Query and Synopsis Critique (2 passes)
Full Manuscript Critique
2nd Look Critique
And get the following for free!
Reverse Outline Action Plan
30 minute AMA or Post-Edit Letter Brainstorming Session
Hand Curated Query Experience
(Totalling 450$ off your total purchase!)
*All Full Package deals must be paid for in full upfront!